--VOCABULARY LIST [820314]-- Word/pronounciation/meaning 1 [I]- First persong pronoun (me, we, us, our, my, I am) 3 [E]-Second person pronoun (you, yours, you are) 8 [BI]-Third person pronoun (he, she, it, they) 2 [ZI]-A particle added at the end of questions 5 [S]-Implies plural form 02 [ZID]- If... 12 [ZI]- Make, create 51 [IS]- Food, edible, eat 35 [SE]- Life, alive, living 11 [II]- Begining, start, first 77 [LIL]- End, completed, last, finished, finish 15 [SI]- Yes, true, trully, real, very 31 [IE]- No, not, lack of, opposite of... (inserted before another word to make it the opposite. 80- Big 8031- Small) 34 [HE]- Person, human 54 [HIS]- Heart, mind, soul, conciousness 70 [DIL]- Direction, side, way, method 43 [EH]- Hard (not soft), sturdy, solid 78 [BIL]- Fluid, wet 27 [LIZ]- Natural, nature, envirement, outside, world, element (eg. 2778 = water) 72 [ZIL]- Artificial, man-made, fake 37 [LE]- Celestial body, sky 88 [BIB]- Parent, creator, caretaker, mother, father, source, origin 10 [DI]- Ghost, spirit, higher power/being/force, unseen agent 17 [LI]- Love, affinity, being fond of, liking 07 [LID]- Good, useful, awesome, cool, working, something the speaker likes 14 [HI]- Communication, language, hello, talk, say, express 01 [ID]- State, condition, appearance 45 [SIH]- Thing, item, creature 44 [HIH]- Long, long object (stick, etc) 40 [DIH]- Movement, moving 80 [DIB]- Big, large 24 [HIZ]- Sound, noise 87 [LIB]- Change (of a state, location, mind, etc), transform 00 [DID]- Entertainment, piece of art, game, play, fun activity 81 [IB]- Math, numbers, counting 23 [EZ]- Character, letter 33 [EE]- Machine, device 05 [SID]- Animal 50 [DIS]- Plant, vegetation 32 [ZE]- New, fresh 48 [BIH]- Serach, look for 84 [HIB]- Inside, in the middle 73 [EL]- Time, peroid, hour 28 [BIZ]- Light, bright 53 [ES]- Front, forward 83 [EB]- Place, room, building 38 [BE]- Knowledge, smart, knowledgeable, skilled 25 [SIZ]- Paper, document, a flat object 74 [HIL]- Fix, heal, recover, repair 47 [LIH]- A product of..., fruit 75 [SIL]- Become 55 [SIS]- Color 30 [DE]- Hole, void, nothing, 18 [BI]- Shape 22 [ZIZ]- And 42 [ZIH]- Have, hold, posses, gain 82 [ZIB]- Order, the way something is 03 [ED]- Multiple, a lot 13 [EI]- Male, masculine, man 21 [IZ]- More... (bigger, better, newer) 58 [BIS]- Problem, conflict, question, fight, struggle, misunderstanding, problematic, weird, unusual 85 [SIB]- Divide, separate 20 [DIZ]- Up, above 57 [LIS]- Tall, high 04 [HID]- Have to, need to, being obligated to 52 [ZIS]- In order to..., for the purpose of 71 [IL]- Walk, go, approach 41 [IH]- Open